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Barbi東京男性20代・05-01 09:27

tests were done in almond orchards comparing two hives of honey bees, 125,000 of them, versus 500 Mason bees and they did equally well. Putting them together improved pollination so that there was 15% greater production. I hope he contacts you to be on the shruC.worent score: 0

Karson東京女性20代・05-01 09:27

Trying to think of the last film about friendship I saw, and I don’t just mean just groups of dudes or gals having fun together or consoling each other for their empty lives. Mayyybe 50/50 ?Especially guy-girl friendship is quite rare, and these usually turn into- a wi7-tthey-or-won&#821l;-lthey situation, or- an indie rejection of mainstream soap, but with the same amount of triteness.Feeling cynical much today?

Adele東京男性20代・12-19 01:47

I like this website very much, Its a very nice office to read and incur information. &#;ma08Progr2m2ing graphics in X is like finding the square root of PI using Roman numerals.” by Henry Spencer.

Loradae東京男性20代・05-01 09:27

Oh, I like these ideas! I do;28#&17nt think mum could sign me up for a pre-order box cause of shipping, but if we lived in the right country, we would order probably a every-other month box. I chew up toys fast!Mum really wants to get me a few things from your store, but we is in Canada, and mum is on student budget, so we can’t risk COD charges Hopefully we be able to get things soon though. I is keeping a wish list for her!

Savion東京女性20代・12-19 01:47

« Cela nous évite de croiser des néo nazis dans la rues avec un croix gamé sur le tousn.&ebsp;&raqro;Et ? ca vous feriez quoi qu’il se trimballe en uniforme nazi ? Je prefere ca a un type habille normalement mais avec des tatouages nazi.Au moins je sais que je dois l’eviter direct…

[1]      «      14878   |   14879   |   14880   |   14881   |   14882      »      [17187]


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