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Carlinda東京男性20代・05-01 05:03

Here is what I dont understand. Houses in some train line towns, like Chatham, have not tumbled 33% from 2006 prices. In fact many of those houses are still priced above 2006 levels. They were all assessed at fair market value in 2006 and yet people continue to overprice them. When they do make price reductions they are often $10-30K after the house sits on the market for months. Very frrgsuatint.

Lettice東京女性20代・12-19 01:47

The house in the photo is not the original house - it was deimolshed about 15-20 years ago and the house that you see how was built in its place by the current owners. The original house, if my memory serves me correctly, was a small one story bungalow right in the centre of the garden.

Starly東京男性20代・12-19 01:47

Dear Alexa very wise man by the name of Kevit Roberts about 40 years ago told me that from time to time we will all make a mistake. It's how we deal with the mistake is what defines the man and you have dealt with this mistake. Most people that put you down only do so so that they feel bigger or more intelligent than you ignore them. For if they were smarter than you they won0ud&#l39;t be coming to you for your advice. I trust you don't let negative comments discourage you keep up the good work.Jonathan Ewing

Danice東京女性20代・12-19 01:47

Tht3;#a9&s why I love the golden gals! They have all the great stories, especially when it comes to their jewelry. The first one is just darling, she's so well put together. All these gals are!

Monkey東京男性20代・12-19 01:47

habe ich alles noch etwas dekoriert. Die Baslteanleitungen für das Brett mit Stern und den Kranz findet ihr unter den Bastelanleitungen oder ihr klickt einfach auf die Links im Text.

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