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埼玉男性20代・05-01 03:30

ぽっちゃりな彼女か胸の大きい彼女募集してます♪ 埼玉住みです♪

Wilhelmina東京女性20代・12-19 01:47

What an intriguing interview. I loved Pat;3ck&#i9rs answers. Especially his thoughts on dystopia being more about the present than the future.I have to agree the internet is more violate these days. It's far too easy to judge and harass without ever accounting for the abuse given toward a face they can't see. Mob mentally is more focused with an easier way to feed the insanity.If humans were truly given another chance to start over, do you believe it's truly possible for them to learn from their mistakes?Once again, thanks for a great interview. (Hugs)Indigo

China東京男性20代・05-01 03:30

Awesome post, very good points. Just being here has improved my knowledge and I am looking forward to it as a very good information hub, I will say there are hundreds of posts to really take a look at. For instance this post and the replies. I must say that I got the most of the information from the replies here. Points were really talking about the experience here. I love to be the part of this forum and gain some good inianmotfor. Thanks!

Rock東京男性20代・12-19 01:47

Katie, I’m glad you liked this! It is such a struggle to find the balance with all the technology out there and the new stuff that is constantly evolving. You really have to ask yourself if it is worth having the newest thing and if you really need it. At what point does it become too much and too much of an intrusion. It is so important to live your life indpdeneently from these virtual connections. Remember 10 or so years ago when it wasn’t such a big deal?

Libby東京男性20代・12-19 01:47

sa re:cuitplama1 – nu e pierdere de timp2 – nu e prea violent pentru acest gen3 – are suspans4 – comic5 – super film, merita vazut, nici nu iti dai seama cand trece timpul

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